Service Overview

LHFHI Pharmacy Section has inpatient and outpatient stores to cater to both inpatients and outpatients
needs. The OPD Pharmacy is located at the front, beside the Emergency Room and offers a variety of
products from over the counter medicines, to medical supplies and toiletries. It is open from Mondays to
Saturdays at 7:00 am to 7:00 pm.

Available Medical Supplies:

Oxygen mask adult
Oxygen mask pedia
Oxygen mask neo cannula newborn
10cc syringe
Endotracheal tube size 3.5, 4.0 and 8.0
Povidone 10%  120ml and 100ml
Spinal Needle g.25 (Topcare and Braun)

To inquire, contact through:

Trunkline: (049) 501 1279 Local 425