
The Congress of the Philippines passed the Republic Act No. 10173, also known as Data Privacy Act of 2012. It protects you from unauthorized processing and access of your personal and sensitive information.

Laguna Holy Family Hospital records on paper and electronic devices your personal information, health information, medical treatment to help us give you an excellent healthcare and services. The Health Record will be kept and secured in case you visit us again.

Healthcare professionals and support staff are only authorized to access your personal information. We value and respected your confidentiality thus we implemented strict security control measures to protect your information.

This Privacy Notice is a summary of how we process your information. We want to inform you that we process your personal data fairly and lawfully. This also explains your rights regarding to your information.

What and why we collect information

Once you come to our hospital we may ask for or hold personal information about you which will be used to give you an appropriate and excellent healthcare and treatment.

This information may include:

  • Basic information, such as name, address, date and place of birth, next of kin, civil status, gender, nationality, religion and occupation.
  • Contact and telephone number(s), to remind you of your appointment details. If you don’t want to receive these reminders you can contact our Data Protection Officer to request your contact information will be remove from our system.
  • Records of care and treatment which includes nurse’s notes and doctors’ order.
  • Results of laboratory and diagnostic procedures.
  • Financial details, payment for services and doctor professional fees
  • Responses to surveys, about healthcare issues
  • Visual images, personal appearance and behavior, example CCTV images which used for building security

How we use information

  • Improve individual care
  • To ensure your treatment and healthcare is safe and effective
  • To work effectively with other organizations who may be involves in your healthcare
  • To help us provide excellent healthcare and meet our patients’ needs
  • To train healthcare professionals
  • To support investigation if an incidents or issues happen.
  • Improve patients safety
  • Supports audits of LHFH services and accounts
  • Improve diagnosis
  • Understand more about disease risk, causes and develop new treatments
  • To ensure our healthcare services can meet for future needs
  • To review healthcare services provided and to ensure it is at the highest possible standard

Sharing Information

Reasons why we share your information can be due to:

  • Our obligations to comply with current legislation
  • Have consented to disclosure
  • Our duty to comply with a Court Order
  • Social Services
  • Health insurances

We will not disclose your personal information to any other third parties without patient’s consent unless health and safety is at risk and law that mandated us to pass your information.

Security of Information

Our obligation is to protect and secure your personal, sensitive information and its confidentiality. We implemented security control measures to ensure the security and confidentiality of your personal data which as Personal Information Controller is responsible for, whether it is in a form of paper or computerized.

We appointed a Data Protection Officer (DPO) who is accountable for the management of all information, patient confidentiality and any possible risks and incidents might happen.

All of our staffs are required to sign a non-disclosure agreement to ensure that our staffs are aware of their information governance responsibilities and guidelines ensuring necessary safeguards and appropriate measures to confidentiality of information.

Laguna Holy Family Hospital is subject to comply with Data Privacy Act of 2012 regarding to confidentiality. Information provided in confidence will only be used for the purposes advised and with consent by the data subject, unless it is required or permitted by the law.

Your Information Right

  • You have the right to know how we going to use your information.
  • You have the right to access or get a copy of your health information but may be limited.
  • You have the right to change/ correct your information if there is an inaccuracy or error in your personal data.
  • You have the right to ask your information to be blocked or removed if it is incomplete, outdated, false, or unlawfully obtained.
  • You have the right to object to us making use of your personal information.
  • You have the right to file a complaint for violation of the Act, its implementing rules and regulations and your rights as data subject.
  • You have the right to obtain a copy of the data being processed in an electronic or structured format.

Accessing your Health Record

While you’re in our hospital you may ask a request to access or get a copy of your health information. Upon admission, our staff gave a Request for Health Information Form that you need to fill up. Your right to access some of your information may be limited into:

  • Medical Certificate
  • Discharge Summary/ Clinical Abstract
  • Operative Technique Record
  • Laboratory Test Results
  • Diagnostic Procedure Results (ECG, X-ray, CT-scan, Ultrasound)

If you want to access/get a copy of your Health Information after you leave the hospital, inquire to Medical Records Department 2nd floor; 8:00am to 5:00pm; Monday to Friday to send your request.

Surveillance Cameras

We employ surveillance cameras on and around our hospital facilities in order to:

  • Monitor operational and safety related incidents
  • To protect our staff, doctors, patients and other visitors
  • To provide a safer environment
  • To prevent or reduce unlawful activity
  • To provide visual evidence for investigations of criminal activity and other specific events that have taken place within or around healthcare facilities.

Retention and Disposal Period

We will only retain information for as long as necessary. Records are maintained with the Laguna Holy Family Hospital retention period which determines the length of time records should be kept. In- patient and Out-patient retention period is 10 years.

Contact us about your rights and information

If you have any further question or concerns, complaints regarding your rights, our processes and information we hold on you, please contact our Data Protection Officer; 501-1278/1279 loc. 598, available Monday to Friday 8:00am to 5:00pm except holiday.